Home Study Mission Statement
Home Study Mission Statement
The Home Study Program is to facilitate those people who cannot go to the classroom lecture for reasons such as:
Physical restrictions
Travel restrictions
The program is design in such a way as not to compromise the high standard of Rhema Studies of Theology Association (RSOTA) or the integrity.
To provide quality workbook that would motivate the student to work hard to achieve excellence in Biblical Study
Certificate in “Biblical Studies” / Diploma in “Theology in Christian Ministry”
Program Requirement:
The Certificate Program requires the student to complete six (6) biblical subjects. The course must be completed within a two years period or less.
The Diploma Program requires the certificate program as prerequisite, plus six (6) Diploma subjects.
The student is required to maintain an average no lower than 80%.
All work and assignment must be completed in full, and hand in on or before the due dates.
Cost of Program:
$ 50.00 Registration fee Per-Program
&25.00 Per-Workbook
$ 100.00 Per-Course
$110.00 Graduation fee
The student is responsible to purchase all textbooks and workbooks
All cost is due, payable at the time of registration, except the graduation fee.