Note: Certificate & Diploma Programs are one year study, based on when the student joins the program. However, seven courses must be completed for graduation.
The Certificate program requires the student to complete Seven (7) biblical subjects and maintain an average no lower than 80%.
The Diploma program requires the Certificate in "Biblical Studies" as a prerequisite, plus Six (6) diploma subjects. The student is also required to maintain an average no lower than 80%.
Subject Descriptions
For Certificate and Diploma Subject Descriptions Click on the link below
Certificate Program
Certificate Program
Certificate in Biblical Studies
Systematic Theology One:
Minor Prophets
Personal Evangelism
General Epistles
The Will of God
Effective Communication
Book of Acts (Student will now take this subject Home Study) For more info see the Dean, Rev. Sheila Herbert, Monday at class 8:00 PM.
Diploma Program
Diploma Program
Theology in Christian Ministry
Systematic Theology Two:
Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Christian Leadership One
Church History
Advanced Program One
Advanced Program One
Mechanics of Research
Pastoral Counselling
Church Administration
Principle of Teaching
Expository Preaching
Advanced Program Two
Advanced Program Two
Eschatology One
Christian Stewardship
Christian Ethics
History of the Bible
Advanced Program Three
Advanced Program Three
The Moody Handbook of Theology
Eschatology Two (Things to Come)
The Book of Daniel
Home Study
Home Study
Certificate in Biblical Study
Systematic Theology One:
Minor Prophets
Book of Romans
General Epistles
Book of Acts
The Will of God
Diploma: Theology in Christian Ministry
Systematic Theology Two:
Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Christian Leadership One
Church History
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